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Pension freedoms brought fundamental change to retirement planning and the way your clients can take money from their pension. 

The subsequent rise in drawdown, and the much-welcomed increase in choice and flexibility came with additional risks. Heightened exposure to sequencing and longevity risk, and the steady decline of defined benefit pensions, should have led to a shift in retirement planning strategies. To find out, the FCA launched its thematic review of retirement income advice in 2019. Paused due to the pandemic, it has now been published and you can read the findings here.

The direction of travel from the regulator is clear. Firms will have to reassess existing retirement investment and income strategies to ensure they are fit for purpose. Advice models that are not suitably designed to meet the specific needs of clients in decumulation will come under scrutiny. 

A new phase of retirement planning is on the horizon. That’s why we’ve pooled together the resources from our teams at Wealthtime and Copia, and experts from across the industry to provide insight to help advisers assess their current retirement strategies, and plan for the future.

This content is intended for professional advisers only.

Rethinking Retirement Webinar

On Thursday 27 June at 2pm we held our rethinking retirement webinar. If you missed it, you can find the recording here.

Based on content from our recent roadshow, this CPD-accredited online discussion focussed on the FCA’s thematic review findings and what it means for you and your clients:

  • Snapshot of the macro retirement landscape - lang cat
  • Innovation in decumulation - Just 
  • Platform due diligence for your retirement strategy - Wealthtime 
  • Addressing needs with a Centralised Retirement Proposition (CRP)  - Copia Capital
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Rethinking Retirement: Changing Gear

Conducted in partnership with the lang cat, the findings are based on the survey responses from 160 advice professionals. 93% of respondents are employed by or own an independent advice firm. 

Get invaluable insights on: 
-    The implications of the FCA’s thematic review 
-    CIPs vs. CRPs
-    How retirement planning strategies are changing 
-    What criteria is key to other advisers when selecting their platform of choice 
-    The re-emerging role of guaranteed income for clients decumulation 

Please note this report is intended for professional advisers only. 

Download the report below >


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Retirement roadshows

In April and May we hit the road for CPD-accredited discussions covering the impact of the FCA’s review on retirement planning now and, in the years, to come. Experts from the lang cat, Just, Wealthtime and Copia spoke at the events and we're hoping to be back on the road in the autumn. Keep your eyes peeled for information on how to join us.


"It was one of the best events like this I have attended in years, I think because it was focused on one very relevant topic and an excellent panel were assembled!"

Bristol event attendee

What was on the agenda?

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Copia Capital

Market overview – what’s next for 2024?

Copia’s Senior Portfolio Managers will go over the year so far and give their thoughts on what might happen in the markets during the rest of 2024.

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lang cat 

Snapshot of the macro retirement landscape

The lang cat will be on hand to provide invaluable insight into the implications of the FCA’s thematic review and its impact on retirement income advice. 

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Innovation in decumulation

Just’s Yannis Katsis will discuss the impact of the  review on guaranteed income and the role Secure Lifetime Income (SLI) products can play in drawdown portfolios. 



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Platform due diligence for your retirement strategy 

Wealthtime outline what you need from your platform of choice as we enter a new phase of retirement planning. 

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Copia Capital

Addressing needs with a Centralised Retirement Proposition (CRP)

Tony Hicks will discuss how accumulation and decumulation portfolios differ and how purpose- built retirement portfolios are constructed to mitigate the key sequencing and longevity risks.

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Latest retirement articles

Robert Vaudry 
Wealthtime and Copia Capital 

Navigating the transition to retirement - now is the time to change gear 
Read More >

The future of decumulation advice 
Read More >

Rethinking retirement – the importance of flexibility in retirement planning
Read More >

Advisers need to consider different approaches to retirement income in light of FCA review
Read More >


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Tony Hicks
Copia Capital 

Decumulation: How blending investments and annuities can work
Read More >

Using pensions for legacy planning
Read More >

A different approach when it comes to decumulation?
Read More >

Innovating investment for retirement income
Read More >


Guides and factsheets

Copia’s Retirement Income (RI) portfolios provide a purpose-build decumulation portfolio strategy that addresses the different needs and risks facing clients in retirement. 

Download info sheet >

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Copia’s Retirement Income Plus (RI+) offers a fully-blended decumulation portfolio and guaranteed income solution.

Download info sheet >

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Just’s Secure Lifetime Income (SLI) allows you to incorporate an element of guaranteed income into your client’s drawdown plan.

Download Wealthtime guide >

Download Just's technical guide >




ses from 160 advice professionals.  160 advice professionals.

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Want more info?

Get the latest rethinking retirement updates 

We’ll be publishing more research, articles, and guides on retirement planning over the weeks and months ahead. Sign up below to get everything sent straight to your inbox as soon as they go live. 

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Wealthtime and Copia Capital Management are trading names of Novia Financial PLC. Novia Financial plc is a limited company registered in England & Wales. No. 06467886. Registered office: Cambridge House, Henry St, Bath, BA1 1JS. Novia Financial plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Number 481600.
